April 3, 2012

Ba-bye Nitric Oxide

Luna greeted us with the side eye this morning. Silly girl.

Shortly after we arrived this morning, Luna's nitric oxide was removed. Ba-bye, nitric!!! Hope we don't have to see you again.

The neonatologist and nurse practitioner also believe that she might be extubated tomorrow. In other words, she might have her ET tube removed from her throat and consequently be off the ventilator. I'm super nervous about this and am praying that if it does happen tomorrow that it goes smoothly.  

And then, 10 days after she was born, I was finally able to hold my daughter. I was so scared to have her removed from her bed due to all the wires but once she was in my arms, all was perfect. She loved it just as much as I did and slept most of the time.

Daddy and I celebrated by venturing outside for lunch. It was a beautiful day. Thank God.


  1. i am so happy that your baby girl is getting stronger every day! i have no doubt that she will continue to heal because of the strength that you have passed onto her and the love you and riq shower her with everyday. i will continue to keep you three in my prayers!

  2. I'm tearfully happy that you got to hold her...how beautiful that moment is! She is incredibly strong, just like mommy and daddy.

  3. This is great news!! Go, Luna, go! She has done so well in only 2 weeks. It is so amazing. I'll be thinking of you guys. --Brianne
