March 21, 2012

Induction Date Set!!!

So I had another prenatal check up yesterday. This time we spent quite awhile at CHOP since we had several people to meet with.

First, we met with the lactation specialist. This lady was amazing. I mean she has a freakin' Ph.D. in lactation and I'm not exaggerating. She went over absolutely everything with us. She demonstrated how to use the hospital grade pumps that are available in the birth suites and the NICU. She went over the how/when/why of feeding breast milk to a baby with CDH. She also gave us our own kit to get us started pumping/freezing breast milk for Luna right after she's born. The lactation specialist was just great and left me feeling like I could really do this.

Then we got to see Luna. She passed another biophysical which is great. She's really breathing nicely in there. The ultrasound tech tried to get us another good 4D picture but Luna had her face deep down against my uterine wall and also had her arm up against the side of her face. However, we did manage to see some quick shots of her opening her eyes, yawning, and stretching her really long fingers which was adorable and so worth having the scope digging into my hip bone for.

Then the midwife checked me. I'm 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. The midwife could feel the top of Luna's head! lol So we got down to business and discussed an induction date for next week. I chose next Thursday into Friday to make it more convenient work-wise for Riq. I have another checkup on Tuesday to check on things in the meantime.

So basically, we're almost down to the big day. I thought I was nervous before but WOW....I'm really nervous now. I can barely sleep or eat due to my nervous energy. But a big part of me is ready to get this show on the road and get Luna started on her recovery. In the meantime, I promised myself I would make a conscious effort to relax and rest as much as possible before next Thursday. Let's see how successful I am.


  1. Hi Dania
    you are in my thoughts. 1 more week and you meet Luna. How awesome! Can't wait to see pictures :)
    Brenda from group

  2. It's so great you got to meet with a lactation expert. I can't believe Luna is almost here!! It's so exciting! I'll be thinking about you guys. --Brianne
